Four Seasons Sotheby's Int'l Realty
Four Seasons Sotheby's Int'l Realty
Darren Sherburne, Four Seasons Sotheby's Int'l RealtyPhone: (802) 598-4584
Email: [email protected]

Tag: Personal Post

Posted on 02/01/2023
February 2023 Personal Post
"Without Valentine's Day, February would be, well, January." - Jim Gaffigan With January in the rear-view mirror, a few bright and sunny days have graced the conclusion of one month and the beginning of another. The month of January had a few great closings, but overall we're feeling the seasonal "slow-down" that years prior to the pandemic provided....
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Posted on 11/25/2022
Thanksgiving Personal Post
My beautiful wife and I. Let me begin by acknowledging the gap between this Personal Post and the last. It has been a spectacular year in Real Estate, but it has also kept me in a full-sprint since the middle of the year. I’ve been so fortunate to work with great clients, both buyers and sellers alike, and...
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Posted on 04/01/2022
April 1st - April Fools!
It's April Fools day! Watch out for the faux news and reports of life changes from your loved ones. Rain, rain, and a bit more rain. Hopefully our dirt roads don't get any worse than they already have been. March was extremely busy and the soupiness of the roads around Newbury & Bradford was something of a challenge....
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Posted on 03/01/2022
March 1st - A bit early for Seed Starting
As we enter the month of March, our weather predictions are more of the same from February. The weather will facilitate some of our snow and ice melting, followed by a deep freeze, and so on and so forth. I decided that the winter doldrums had been enough, so I got my seeds started in my basement! All...
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Posted on 02/01/2022
February 1st - Cold and Dry
Welcome to February, a month that includes a hallmark holiday, a call to equality and recognition of the past, and a potential transition into warmer weather or a continuation of the cold that we've experienced these last few weeks. The end of January has been quite busy. I've been fortunate to assist three buyers either purchase their first...
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Posted on 01/01/2022
New Years Day 2022
It's officially 2022, the year that we hope will allow us to return to normalcy. I have been incredibly fortunate this past year, mostly thanks to this lovely lady seated next to me. Our first home was the source of much holiday cheer this season, a welcome change from apartment living. I hope that my friends and associates...
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Posted on 12/01/2021
Welcome to December
Am I the only one that always looks back on the month prior and asks "where the heck did that time go?" It's only when we look back on the previous weeks that we realize that our time indeed WAS well spent, but there never feels like there's enough days in the month to accomplish what we had...
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