Four Seasons Sotheby's Int'l Realty
Four Seasons Sotheby's Int'l Realty
Darren Sherburne, Four Seasons Sotheby's Int'l RealtyPhone: (802) 598-4584
Email: [email protected]

Tag: Real Estate

Posted on 03/04/2023
March 2023 - Personal Post
"It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade." - Charles Dickens Snow, snow, and more snow. Where has the green grass gone? Oh right, it's only March. The start of the month has been busy, with a...
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Posted on 02/01/2023
February 2023 Personal Post
"Without Valentine's Day, February would be, well, January." - Jim Gaffigan With January in the rear-view mirror, a few bright and sunny days have graced the conclusion of one month and the beginning of another. The month of January had a few great closings, but overall we're feeling the seasonal "slow-down" that years prior to the pandemic provided....
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Posted on 01/15/2023
The Numbers are In!
It has been a crazy year in Real Estate, but with determination and effort I was able to produce $12,000,000 in sales volume with 56 Closed Transactions in the year of 2022. I owe a huge thank you to everyone that I worked with over the past 12 months, including all the agents, admins, brokers, transaction coordinators, lenders,...
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Posted on 08/01/2022
Personal Post - July & August Combined
What a stretch of time it has been. While the news has been very "doom and gloom" around the Real Estate market, I've found that the natural "churn" of the business has been keeping me out-straight! I'm very happy to be busy, and I'm always happy to add your project to my business. While things are changing, accomplishing...
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Posted on 05/02/2022
May Personal Post
“April showers bring May flowers.” - Thomas Tusser, A Hundred Good Points of Husbandry, 1557 “May’s first week be dark and bleak.” -Darren Sherburne, Evernote Note-Taking App, 2022 The further we get into this year the more optimistic I become. While things are still trending in the favor of seller’s, various factors are calming the “churn” that has...
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Posted on 04/01/2022
April 1st - April Fools!
It's April Fools day! Watch out for the faux news and reports of life changes from your loved ones. Rain, rain, and a bit more rain. Hopefully our dirt roads don't get any worse than they already have been. March was extremely busy and the soupiness of the roads around Newbury & Bradford was something of a challenge....
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Posted on 03/01/2022
March 1st - A bit early for Seed Starting
As we enter the month of March, our weather predictions are more of the same from February. The weather will facilitate some of our snow and ice melting, followed by a deep freeze, and so on and so forth. I decided that the winter doldrums had been enough, so I got my seeds started in my basement! All...
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Posted on 12/06/2021
How to Identify a Good Commercial Property Investment
Image by Mabel Amber from Pixabay Investing in commercial real estate can be an excellent source of passive income. It can also be one of the easier ways to get started in real estate investment because there are so many options. However, with the many types of commercial real estate investments, it's hard to determine what will be...
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Posted on 11/29/2021
Is the Market Ready for Me to Invest?
Photo by Edar via Pixabay You’ve been considering an investment in real estate but are you really ready? Putting your money into something you haven’t done your homework on could be detrimental. You may even have all the tools, but are still straddling the fence. How will you know it’s time? Here are a few signs that indicate...
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